First Reunion
Spelman College Photographic Collection. 1915.
The Association's first alumnae club was comprised of graduates and was organized in Atlanta in August 1914 as The Spelman Graduates Atlanta Club. Following the custom of many colleges, President Lucy Tapley suggested class reunions so that graduates could meet on certain fixed anniversaries.
The Alumnae Association was supportive of the idea and worked with the College to help arrange the first reunion May 1915. The proposed plan called for each class to hold a reunion on the following anniversaries; the first, the third, the fifth, the tenth, the fifteenth, the twentieth and every five years thereafter.
Therefore for the inaugural May 1915 reunion, alumnae from the classes 1914, 1912, 1910, 1900, 1895 and 1890 were expected to return to Spelman for class meetings.