Major Giving: A New Step in Alumnae Giving
"Teach a woman, and you teach a nation."
Spelman College Class of 2019.
Selected leaders and members within the NAASC were among the alumnae targeted for leadership in the Spelman Campaign, Initiatives for the '90s. For the first time, alumnae were specifically asked to provide major gifts of $10,000. They were also asked to provide bequests to Spelman, or establish charitable gift annuities or trusts. These individual alumnae exhibited their faith and stepped up to the plate by establishing alumnae as a new major financial resource stream for Spelman College. It is with this new image of alumnae and, again, the unwavering support of the Alumnae Association that Spelman could confidently step into the next millennium. As with any association as seasoned as the NAASC, the state of even this dynamic organization fluctuates. As some chapters die, others are born to provide an infusion of life to the Association.
New experiments are tried, others are blocked. All of these circumstances give life and breath to the NAASC. It is necessary for the NAASC to question its existence, affirm its purpose, dispose of practices that are ineffective but always be reminded of its original purpose for over one hundred years. "The Alumnae of Spelman Seminary," now the "National Alumnae Association of Spelman College" was born to promote the interests of the school and to assist alumnae in assisting each other. If that mission is in fact accomplished, then the Spelman motto, "Our Whole School for Christ," will also be manifested throughout the world. Members who are a part of the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College know that they are daily nurtured as Spelman's prepared leaders who are "inspired to serve".
They step into the millennium not afraid to build bridges of collaboration between yesterday's, today's and tomorrow's leaders among other diverse organizations. However, they know that they can come back to the NAASC and Spelman College to be replenished and to find the energy to continue. This awareness is truly a lifelong benefit to alumnae.